
Top 10 Search Engines other than Google

Top 10 Search Engines other than Google 1. DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo is the best web index when you need ideal security for look through you perform! For quite a long time, it’s been a prominent internet searcher administration that doesn’t follow its clients. Neither the inquiry logs nor the IP addresses will be put away in […]

Information Technology

17 Disadvantages of Technology

17 Disadvantages of Technology Computerized innovation has changed pretty much every part of individuals’ lives in late many years. Office work, shopping, music, films, travel, transportation and significant distance correspondence are a portion of the territories that have changed. Indeed, most would agree that it has gotten uncommon to locate any electronic hardware or enormous […]


Prompt to press F1/F2 each time computer boots

Prompt to press F1/F2 each time computer boots In the event that you are provoked to press a capacity key each time you boot your PC, the accompanying advances may help you settle the issue. Time and Date: If the date and time of your system not set according to right time, this problem may […]


What is Domain and How domain name Works?

What is Domain and How domain name Works? What is Domain? A domain name is that the identity of one or more IP addresses; as an example , the name points to the IP address “”. Domain names are invented because it’s straightforward to remember a reputation rather than an extended string of numbers. […]

10 most Computer Problems

Top 10 commonest Computer Problems

Top 10 commonest Computer Problems Although most complex computer issues at work can often be solved by the business IT support team, there are many other small, but common, issues that occur on a daily basis on a private computer. The great news is that a lot of problems with computers have simple solutions, and […]

Information Technology

Computer Science vs Information Technology

What is the Difference between Information Technology and Computer Science? I.T. versus software engineering: What is the distinction between the two terms, and which field holds the best open door for a promising profession? There is a cover in the two fields, yet there are some significant contrasts, and you may be attracted to either […]

Information Technology

32 Facts and Stats of Technology

32 Facts and Stats of Technology Over 3.8 billion individuals utilize the web today, which is 40% of the total populace. In excess of 570 new sites are made each moment. 8 billion gadgets will be associated with the web by 2020. By 2020, video will represent about 80% of all web traffic. There are […]

Advantages of Technology
Information Technology

Advantages of Technology on Personal, Work and Social Life

Advantages of Technology on Personal, Work and Social Life The effect and favorable circumstances of innovation on our lives today, can essentially, not be disregarded. The 21st century has been known as the period of science and innovation (and now information), particularly with the new innovation improvements and progressions throughout the most recent couple of […]