What is MongoDB
Information Technology

What is MongoDB? How it differ from MySQL?

What is MongoDB?  MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database that allows for flexible and scalable data storage. Here are some key points about MongoDB: Document-based: MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) format, which allows for flexible and dynamic data structures. Scalability: MongoDB is designed for horizontal scaling and supports automatic sharding, which allows for […]

Information Technology

Benefits and risks associated with using of the technology

There are many benefits of using technology in various aspects of life. Here are some of the key advantages: Improved efficiency and productivity: Technology can automate repetitive tasks, optimize workflows, and provide real-time data analysis, all of which can help increase efficiency and productivity in various industries. Better communication: Technology makes communication faster, easier, and […]

Information Technology

What is the purpose of the technology?

Technology has become an essential part of modern life, with many different purposes and applications. At its core, technology aims to improve and simplify various aspects of human life, from communication and information access to efficiency and productivity, entertainment, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Technology has a broad range of purposes, but at its core, it […]

Information Technology

What is Data Privacy?

What is Data Privacy? Data privacy, sometimes also referred to as information privacy, is an area of data protection that concerns the proper handling of sensitive data including, notably, personal data but also other confidential data, such as certain financial data and intellectual property data, to meet regulatory requirements as well as protecting the confidentiality […]

Information Technology

Why do apps collect data in our phone?

Why do apps collect data in our phone? One of the major sources of data for many major companies is the device which all of us have in our hands all the time: Smartphones. Smartphones have nowadays become an integral part of our lives. Most of us use smartphones more than we interact with people […]

Information Technology

50+ Interesting facts about Technology

There are a ton of fascinating PC realities that are as yet burrowed down somewhere inside. Nonetheless, for the current circumstance, we actually have a decent number of fascinating realities about a PC that you most likely didn’t know previously. When all is said in done, you can likewise think about these as one of […]

Information Technology

Advantages and Disadvantages of NoSQL Databases

Advantages and Disadvantages of NoSQL Databases What are the advantages of NoSQL? Like every other technology, NoSQL databases also offer some benefits and suffer from some limitations too. In an era where relational databases are mainly used for data storage and retrieval, modern web technologies posed a major challenge in the form of unstructured data, […]

NoSql Database
Information Technology

What are NoSQL databases?

What are NoSQL databases? NoSQL databases Do you know how many users are registered with Facebook? The number must be in millions. Now millions of users are connected with many other users (Facebook Friends) and there are exchanges of billions of posts and messages among them. There are millions of users online concurrently accessing Facebook. […]

What is Blockchain technology
Information Technology

What is Blockchain technology?

What is Blockchain technology? Blockchain technology is very old, however in 2009 Satoshi Nakamo to gave the hypothesis to utilize Bitcoin for cryptographic money. He distributed a paper about the computerized money dependent on Blockchain. Blockchain can be utilized and in Bitcoin, yet in numerous different areas also. It is a safe, protected and de-incorporated […]

Information Technology

17 Disadvantages of Technology

17 Disadvantages of Technology Computerized innovation has changed pretty much every part of individuals’ lives in late many years. Office work, shopping, music, films, travel, transportation and significant distance correspondence are a portion of the territories that have changed. Indeed, most would agree that it has gotten uncommon to locate any electronic hardware or enormous […]

Information Technology

Computer Science vs Information Technology

What is the Difference between Information Technology and Computer Science? I.T. versus software engineering: What is the distinction between the two terms, and which field holds the best open door for a promising profession? There is a cover in the two fields, yet there are some significant contrasts, and you may be attracted to either […]